D2D Blog
Nursery School’s Preparing to Welcome Back Students in Malawi
Nursery school is an important stepping stone in a child’s path to success. Determined to Develop continues to be involved with the running of four local nursery schools. The D2D staff recently hosted a training workshop for nursery school teachers. During the workshop, teachers learned strategies for effective lesson planning and recognizing different developmental stages in a child’s life.
Residential Youth Participate in Lessons and Tutoring During Extended Holiday
January 15th marks the annual “John Chilembwe Day” in Malawi. John Chilembwe (1871 – 3 February 1915) was a Baptist pastor, educator, and missionary who is commemorated today as Malawi’s earliest independence movement hero.
D2D Celebrates Chilembwe Day!
During this extra-long holiday, we have really missed being at school but we are benefitting from tutoring at D2D. We thought it would be so difficult for us to proceed with our studies but during this holiday, D2D staff has supported us by organizing lessons so that we can keep studying.
Residential Youth Begin Their First Term at University!
With the new year comes new and exciting developments for many of D2D’s youth. This month, 3 of D2D’s residential youth will be starting their first term at university.