Netball for Girl’s Club

Recently, D2D’s junior and senior primary school girls club had a netball game against another team of young girls from a neighboring village. Recently, the girls have been playing for the first 15min before the start of each girls’ club session, a routine which was put in place to make sure that the girls come for the sessions in good time. This instilled interest in the girls and as a way of ending a unit of lessons they were having on Health and Fitness.

The match, which took place at the boys’ football pitch on the hill outside Maji Zuwa campus, was coordinated by the Girls Empowerment team. In preparation for the event, a net ball was bought and net ball rings were put in place at the pitch. It was a tough match but the team pulled through and in the end were the winners. At the end of the game the visiting team was entertained with drinks and biscuits. It was a great event which offered the girls a chance to interact while practicing the lesson on health and fitness.

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